Ku* (Kyriaki Hadjisavva) is a Graphic designer, she studied Graphic Arts ~ Typography & Visual communication in Greece / has 20 years experienced / specialized on publication / creative director on Archetypo Publications for 5 years (the top Publ.House in Greece running books and magazines about spirituality). Now owner of her own studio, Snowflake. Also crafter and Art Teacher to kids and Women. “Pomolo” is her experimental fanzine about people + things that she loves, admires that influence her inner world, art projects of friends and so on, which ironically (and against “intellectuals’ ” seriousness) are under the umbrella of “useless-with no meaning-things”.
I was thinking for days about this intro and still I am not sure if the following lines describe Sudhir Sharma: Born in Rajasthan of Dogra parents, he has a twin brother (Sudhish), a non Indian wife (Marianna, who is also a designer, born in Ukraine) and two chlidren of his 1st marriage, (Ira, who recently graduated from NID as an industrial designer and Ram, who studies Maths, Physics and Philosophy in Boston).
Sudhir is a graduate (1983) from the National Institute of Design (NID). After graduating moved to Pune. At NID he met his co-founders of Elephant, India’s 1st multi-disciplinary design studio, launched in 1989. Worked for almost 20 years. This circle closed in 2009. Then founded Indi Design. Since then Indi keeps growing, and now has 14 offices all over the world. Sudhir Sharma is not only a designer, he is a publisher, a speaker, a blogger, the list is long: Founder and Сreative Chairman of INDI Design Pvt. Ltd www.indidesign.in, Member of World Economic Forum’s and Global Agenda Council on Design, Publisher & Chief Editor of Pool Magazine www.poolmagazine.in, Invitee on The 1st India Design Council, Member of Design Mark task force of IDC, Founder Moderator of Designindia, in.groups.yahoo.com/group/designindia/, Member – Advisory Board of Design Institute of India, Indore, Governing Council member of Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune , Regional Ambassador of Index Awards (Denmark) Past Member of CII – National Design Committee, Advisor of yourstory.com, Jury of Cannes Lions for Design (2008), Adfest 2009 (Pattaya, Thailand), Dutch Design Awards, Design Turkey, Auto Awards etc.
The above information comes from the internet, since he is well known and very communicative. He has all the characteristics of uniqueness, he is much talented, hard worker and the same time easy to reach, BUT he is not just that. For me Sudhir Sharma is the ahimsa itself. Let me explain this: For many years I was listening to this word “ahimsa” (since I’m on the spiritual path for long, and India was always a Spiritual Mother to me), I thought I knew but I couldn’t REALLY realize what is the essence of this word… until I met this amazing guy! Ahimsa means “nonviolence” and “compassion”, it is the basis of all Hindu-spirituals, the same way Mahatma Gandhi used in politics. Ahimsa in action, means to be open to everything, no resistance, no negative actions and thoughts, no NOs. And Sudhir does that so well because this is the way he sees the world. He has a positive view for everything, he let things happen, because he is transparent and sincere so he has nothing to be afraid of. He gives chances, he motivates people to unfold themselves, he finds diamonds even in things that most of us avoid to mess with. He is very simple and makes everything simpler too. He gives solutions, he is helpfull and easy to cooperate. He doesn’t give you what you expect, he gives you what you dream, or even more than that*. That makes him irresistible! This way of seeing gives him a “good wow” and all this positive attitude usually returns to him in the same positive way, because this is the law of attraction, it’s not just theory, and Sudhir turns this law to everyday’s practice.
While talking to him (except this feeling that I know him forever) I realized that he has nothing to do with the boring yappies who just travel the world and make money. He is intellectual and the same time spiritual (and not because he is indian), he is deeply and sincerely kind ~not pretending kindness~ and when he laughs or talks seriously he means it, he doesn’t play any role. He is advisory like a dad and enthusiastic like a schoolboy, warm hearted and always smiling. And he has a great sense of humour which is a sign of intelligence.** So enjoy this special interview…
pomolo_issue3_e-version Sudhir Sharma