

Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

Design ladder and roles

I have been using this tool from the Danish Design Center to inform my clients of what I do. I have also found it very useful to explain to young designers their future progression as professionals. Though these are seen as four distinct steps, I see them as four different roles that we land up playing in projects – ranging from playing one of them in one project to all of them at other times in the same project. I think playing together, they complete a project in totality. 

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Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

Why fight back

It is difficult to see change or believe that this change is likely to stay forever. It all happened suddenly, almost like an accident, and many of us still have to accept the change. We are still hoping that things will soon be back to what we have known them to be. We are putting our hopes in too many things: a vaccine, the human spirit, free markets, talent, and the human quest to do better despite the struggle. 

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Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

Hollow brands

We know that industry engages in mass production and businesses solve mass issues; they address a mass audience, and want their brand to talk to more people. The purpose of business is to make a profit and make more of it, and for this they need to sell to more people. That’s what we mean by mass. Industry amplifies brand communication and messaging, and reaches out to more and more customers – in this process, it lands up diluting the product or service to appeal to more people.

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Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

Before you judge

Judging creative work is a huge responsibility and is extraordinarily difficult to get right. Everyone underestimates how difficult this is because: 

a) Everyone believes they have good taste. 
b) They believe that because they look at quality work all the time, they can instinctively distinguish good from bad. 
c) Deep down everyone is a frustrated designer. 

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Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

This too shall pass

I am writing generally and positively about what we can do to help ourselves at such times. I acknowledge however that people may be going through major problems, trauma, grief, loss, uncertainty distress, and may be in volatile situations, work- or family-wise. Please take help from whomever may be available, talk to family and friends, and don’t suffer in silence.

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Blog, POOL/ DesignIndia Editorial

Designer Downtime

What is the best way to use your forced free time? For designers downtime is more important than working time and most of us do recognize this. In fact, we spend time planning our downtime. The downtime is not called ‘recharging your batteries’ for no reason. Though the currnet downtime is not usual, since it is a forced one, it needs some extra thoughts. 

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